| TreasuryViral on tiktok – Giuvlipen Theater Companyviral on tiktokvirală pe tiktokIn the performance by Giuvlipen Theater Company, we witness a deeply moving overview of the lack of sexual education affecting Romanian society, particularly the Roma communities, and its tangible societal consequences. TikTok, as the currently most popular social media platform, provides an excellent framework for the play. The production, …
Who Killed Szomna Grancsa?
| TreasuryWho Killed Szomna Grancsa? – GiuvlipenWho Killed Szomna Grancsa?Cine a omorât-o pe Szomna Grancsa?The play tells the story of a young Roma girl who believes in the importance of education and does everything she can to keep going to school. But she encounters a lot of difficulties. What can a young student do if her family does not support …
| TreasuryBambina – The queen of flowers – ArthubBambina – Queen of FlowersBambina – Regina FlorilorAn exciting slice of history unfolds through the stories of the Romanian florists. Beginning with the appearance of the first florists, we can see how the Roma people adapted to the changes of time until we get to the birth of the flower empire of …
| TreasuryPerkucigo – Zsolt FeketePerkucigoPerkucigóThe partly autobiographical storytelling performance of Zsolt Fekete is unique, containing elements of stand-up, and represents the crisis of identity. He gets into surprising situations as an ethnic Hungarian from Romania with a hidden Gypsy origin. The performance is a dialogue between the creator and the audience about the destiny of the Gypsies, mainly about the …
| TreasuryROMACEN – Giuvlipen and Andrei Mureșanu TheaterRomacen, The Age of the WitchesRomacen, Vremea VrăjitoarelorThis performance marks the birth of a new artistic trend – Roma Futurism, which we hope many Roma artists will take over from us to make it to the next level, where we can imagine a future free of the historical cycle of oppression against us. …
You Didn’t See Anything!
| TreasuryYou Didn’t See Anything! – Alex FIFEAYou Didn’t See Anything!Voi n-ați văzut nimic!On March the 4th, 2014, Daniel-Gabriel Dumitrache, a young Roma man, age 26, was beaten to death at the police station in downtown Bucharest. He was a young unemployed man who lived in poverty and discrimination, he was an illegal parking man so that he could support …
I Declare at My Own Risk
| TreasuryI Declare at My Own Risk – Alina ȘerbanI Declare at My Own RiskDeclar pe propia răspundereThe play lets us glimpse into the life of a young girl, who, just as her peers, is a fan of pop music, likes to hang out with her friends and dreams about her future. At the same time, she lives in one …
Tell Them About Me
| TreasuryTell Them About Me – Giuvlipen Theater CompanyTell Them About MeDel DumaThe monodrama is based on conversations with Roma women and on the own experiences of the playwright, Mihaela Drăgan. The play presents the diversity of the Romanian Roma society, and shows the possibilities and difficulties, the joys and struggles from a female point of view, through the eyes …