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tschandala / tattaren - lindy larsson and the bonbon bandTSCHANDALA / TATTAREN
The Swedish award-winning actor, singer and Roma activist artist Lindy Larsson, along with the multi-award-winning BonBon Band, explores an undisclosed part of Swedish history in their joint performance titled “Tschandala/Tattaren.”
The production, which won the Swedish Critics’ Award, delves into various genres. The foundation of the show is August Strindberg’s anti-Roma novel “Tschandala,” as well as Larsson’s personal and familial history. The artist himself hails from a Swedish traveller Roma family, who experienced unimaginable atrocities against the Roma in Sweden, which have never found their way into history books.
„But I’m not here tonight to talk about hair colour and skin pigmentation. I’m here tonight for one reason and one reason only and that is: to be seen. Well, not me. Not just me. We. No, not you. I mean we, as a group. As a minority. We Romani Travellers.”
Focus scene
'The national pig August Strindberg wrote about them in his antiziganist novel Tschandala. A novel whose brown (racist) case Larsson elegantly reconstructs. Oh how petty Göran Persson's government's public apology in modern times seems. Five performances remain of Tschandala / Tattaren. That's far too few.’
EXPRESSEN‘Tschandala/Tattaren is many things at once: performance, concert, documentary, reading and family album. Lindy Larsson tells us how Swedish romani travellers have gone from being infamous, to forgotten, to recognised. He also reveals a new form of antiziganism that comes via a new wave of racism.'
SVENSKA DAGBLADET‘The performance diverges radically from the usual Hungarian theatrical aesthetics, combining elements of performance, concert, cabaret, and classical theater. In 2022, it won the Swedish Theatre Critics' Award.'
SZINHAZ.NETMaterials to read
excerpts from the playphoto credits
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1-6: ©Alina Vincze_Lindy Larsson