Romano Teatro “Nexhip Menekshe”Romano Teatro “Nexhip Menekshe”
Year of foundation of the theater: | 1989 |
Place: | Prizren, Republic of Kosovo |
Leader of the theater: | Fatmir Menekshe |
Main artists: | Ertan Galushi - artistic leader Edis Galushi - actor Sejnur Veshall - actor Fatmir Menekshe - actor, general leader Sylejman Elshani - actor Melisa Menekshe - actress Gynesh Veshall - actress Benyamin Menekshe - actor |
- Branislav Petrovski (director of the Garavde Muja Roma Amateur Theater Festival)
About the theater
The Romano Theater "Nexhip Menekshe", then known as Romano Teatro was formed as part of the theater and the field that promotes the culture of a population, if your community shows the right success. We know that the use of theater promotes ethnology, folklore, language, tradition, and everything that prolongs the identity of a population, where the Roma Theater provides as its basis, if it presents the culture of inclusion of its community.
In 1989, with the initiative of Roma intellectuals such as: Orhan Galushi, Kujtim Paçaku, Selahattin Kryeziu, Behlul Galushi, Shaip Menekshe, etc.
The mission of the Roma Theater "Nejip Menekshe" is to realize Roma and world dramatic works at a high artistic level (albeit amateur) which promote the Roma language, culture and traditions by staging the problems, current events and history of the Roma community.
The vision of the "Nejip Menekshe" Theater is to create a standard and quality team for the realization, production of theatrical performances, and training the existing staff (existing artists) with professional directors and professional artists to contribute to the Roma youth to gain essential knowledge. for dramatic art.
The theater is committed to creating for the needs of the community of all generations; children, young people, adults. By persevering in quality, the theater aims to provide an intimate atmosphere where this diverse audience is given the opportunity to reflect, respond and engage with theater that serves education, entertainment and the expansion of worldview.
Romano Teatro is now in the 32nd year of its activity and has left behind 28 premieres presented to the Roma public and hundreds of performances in different cities and countries.
The main goal of the Roma Theater 'Nejip Menekshe' is to keep Romaism alive in the community and others through theatrical performances, showing and promoting the values of the Roma community.
The achievement of the new and old generations is that through theatrical boards to cultivate and cultivate and advance the Roma culture.
Best Artist Award for Edis Galushi in the show Panta Rhei at the Garavde Muja Festival, Skopje, Macedonia
Best Artist Award for actor Sejnur Veshall in the show On The Road at the Garavde Muja Festival, Skopje, Macedonia
Golden Apple Award for Best Drama and Original Text for the show Prizren via Essen by Nexhip Menekshe and the Best Musical Effects Award (Murat Haliti) at the III. Rome Theater Festival, Gjilan, Kosovo
Silver Apple Award for Best Actress (Bedrije Misini) in the show Suspicious Person at Ruma Festival, Serbia
Golden Apple Award for Best Director (Nexhip Menekshe) and for Best Male Actor (Daut Qulangji) in the show Kamberi dhe Lejla at the First Roma Theater Festival in the former Yugoslavia, Prizren
Main productions
Kaltrim Balaj: Hijet
*experimental performance*
D.: Kaltrim Balaj
An archaeological museum can evoke powerful emotional feelings when presenting tragic events of the past. One such event is the Holocaust, where the victims suffered deeply in body and spirit. The show "Hijet" at the Romani Theater portrays the history of the Romani people during the Holocaust, aiming to promote empathy, respect, and tolerance towards them. Although the experience may be painful, it is crucial to learn from history and protect human rights.
Fatmir Menekshe: Prevent! (Angloaqhav)
*online premiere*
D.: Kalterim Balaj
Some negative phenomena such as deportation from Germany, accommodation, violence against women and punishment of the husband with the help provided by a free legal aid agency, were the main topics of this performance.
Radio Romano Avazo Youtube Channel (Radio Romano Avazo Youtube)
Prizren, Republic of Kosovo
Nexhip Menekshe, Fatmir Menekshe, Vera Paqaku, Sejnur Veshall, Ertan Galushi, Jasir Misini:
The golden journey of the Roma theater ‘Nejip Menekshe’
(Sumnakuno drom e romane teatroske 'Nejip Menekshe')
A monograph of the 30-year work of the Roma Theater "Nejip Menekshe", where collected all performances performed from 1989 to 2019, including their synopsis and successes, their publicity, the opinions of artists great of the Prizren pop scene for our theater and dramas. Biographies of some famous personalities who contributed to the establishment and sustainability of this theatrical troupe. And the opinions from colleagues and the artistic elite about the late author Nejip Menekshe.
Prizren, Republic of Kosovo
Fatmir Menekshe: Keqap Skola
*online premiere*
D.: Levent Butuci
This drama is a combination of Nexhip Menekshe scripts of two dramas from 2006-2007. The theme of this comedy was the education of Roma students and their challenges in today's society.
Radio Romano Avazo Youtube Channel (Radio Romano Avazo Youtube)
Prizren, Republic of Kosovo
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Guest performances
-> we play regularly on the Garavde Muja Festival
Association for Roma Culture Romano Ilo (Association for Roma Culture Romano Ilo)
Skopje, Macedonia
photo credits
All rights reserved
1: ©Gyner Veshall_Keqap Skola
2: ©Gyner Veshall