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Today’s Lesson - Richard R. O'Neill

Today’s Lesson

The play was written based on an unknown real story, yet Richard knows many young Traveler teachers who may face similar situations.

The play is framed by a conference where Richard wanted to talk about the successes of the education, however, because of the discrimination he suffered from his young friend, he changed the subject and shared this story with the audience.

He speaks to the audience as conference participants and plays the roles of all characters participating in the story.

"I don't know or in fact, care what you do, I am going to do my job as a teacher, and I am going to celebrate Gypsy Roma Traveler history month, I am going to share my history and my culture with my class and the rest of the school, and if you or Councilor Curtiss try and stop me I'm going to my union, and the media, because I am a Roma person and I have rights!"



Writer and performer:Richard R. O’Neill
Translator of the Hungarian version: Viktória Kondi
Premiered:2018 in Studio K Theatre, Budapest Hungary


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Although the play is fictional, is based on many stories experienced by Traveller people in the UK. Multiculturalism is very favorable in many British schools, meanwhile Traveller communities and culture are still not welcome in education, and many teachers are not welcome if they are open about their GRT identity. Although most of the Traveller communities are already settled, there are still caravans moving around the country. Many of the towns and communities do legislations or even aggressive attacks against the nomad Traveller people.

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Focus scene


‘The strongest monologue … the storyteller as a chronicle means a voice, which doesn’t let the stories fall into oblivion...’

Revizor, Fanni Szemerédi

‘Today in Italy, where many parties standing on the left or in the center promote maximal acceptance related to immigration, meanwhile totally reject the Roma people.’

HVG, Fanni Czeglédi

’How much suffering can a human-being sustain? Is there a dose for everyone? Is there a quantity for a life?’

Sucardrom, U Velto


materials to read

excerpts from the play
In case you would like to request availability to the full play and/or the full video about the performance, write an email to info@romaheroes.org and describe the aim of your request!

photo credits

All rights reserved

 1: ©Alina Vincze_Richard O'Neill

2: ©Alina Vincze_Richard O'Neill

3: ©Alina Vincze_Richard O'Neill

4: ©Alina Vincze_Richard O'Neill

5: ©Alina Vincze_Richard O'Neill