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shoddies - Independent Theater Hungary



What are the general experiences about the health care health care system? How embarrassing is it to just wait and wait when we are ill and vulnerable? What are our experiences or stereotypes of the on the Roma, addicts, or extremist youngsters who might that who might be our neighbors in a ward? Health care system has a lot of weak points and we all have at least one horror story about a quirky nurse, a grumpy doctor, a dirty ward or an insupportable patient. But have a look at this question from another angle, let us see what we can do for a change! Independent Theater Hungary’s play shows different viewpoints on health care as well as coexistence in general and draws attention to the importance of taking action.

"This is the wonderful health care system you’ve been toiling away in for years? This is what we pay our stupid taxes for? Who will take responsibility for this? Who will do something for us to get treated? Who will do something, anything for the patients?"


Writer, Director:Rodrigó Balogh
Performer:Barbara Balázs, Irén Godó, Katalin Godó, Dániel Lakatos
Dramaturg:Márton Illés
Assistant Director:Judit Kőszegi
Movement Director:Gyula Antal Horváth
Translation (English):Tímea Sípos
Premiered:2019, Roma Heroes – III. International Roma Theatre Festival, Budapest, Hungary



The Independent Theater Hungary announced a theater scholarship program for young people during the Autumn of 2018, and four talented and enthusiastic young people finally joined the work in February 2019. They worked together for seven months, For seven months, they worked together for 15 hours a week on to work out the content details of the play and rehearsinged the performance. Eventually, tThree of them can be seen in the completed performance, and alongside a a guest artist.

The actors of the Shoddies are mainly young people from outside the theatrical structure, many several of whom were participating in their first theatrical productions for the first time. Three of them are of Roma origin, who have repeatedly faced the discrimination in health care system presented inby the play in their own lives. The text of the show piece also contains their own stories, that  which made the performance extremely important to them: they took part in the rehearsal process with special determination, which was not only an artistic work but also an educational project, as the director and the staff of the Independent Theater Hungary did significant developmental work with them.

Focus scene


‘It creates a focal point that condenses existing social situations and produces a chain reaction of conflicts from which there is no escape - a bit like the situation that the Independent Theater itself creates over and over again by bringing together young people from different backgrounds.’ 

Magyar Narancs

‘And beyond, the theme of the performance, which was about the health conditions experienced by everyone. Exhausted nurses, lack of equipment and workers, congestion, scandalous hygienic conditions. Writer-director Rodrigó Balogh shows the audience a performance that raises delicate but important social issues.’


‘We get to know not only their relationship to each other, but also the antecedents of their own situation. Among other things, what kind of family background is required for a person to be drug addicted or racist. And while the narration of the background stories of the characters has been somewhat overemphasized - thanks to the spotlight directed at the character just talking - it can definitely be instructive for the audience.’


materials to read

excerpts from the play
In case you would like to request availability to the full play and/or the full video about the performance, write an email to info@romaheroes.org and describe the aim of your request!

photo credits

All rights reserved

*left -> right* 

1: ©Alina Vincze_Katalin Godó, Barbara Balázs, Irén Godó

2: ©Alina Vincze_Katalin Godó, Barbara Balázs

3: ©Alina Vincze_Katalin Godó, Dániel Lakatos

4: ©Alina Vincze_Dániel Lakatos, Katalin Godó

5: ©Alina Vincze_Barbara Balázs