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romnia - rampa prenestina



In the performance titled “Romnia” by the Italian Rampa Prenestina Company, the societal roles of Roma and non-Roma women take center stage. At the heart of the story stands the statue of Saint Sarah, which the inhabitants of the small community depicted on stage are required to dress and prepare for a traditional procession. During the ceremony, personal stories come to life, where the statue becomes a mirror of dreams and the experiences of social pressures for the female members from different generations. It is a celebration in which rituals of love, expectations, and the transformation or preservation of identity are revealed. When the procession reaches its end, the statue becomes sacred, and a collective prayer for freedom is recited.

'Oh holy Sarah help us! 
Our blind eyes see only the big things.
The great palaces, the great luxuries, the great powers.
But there is another story being woven by the invisible human, the humble, the simple, the last.
A texture made of small daily gestures of days that repeat themselves the same, of children being born, of old men dying.
Made of injustice, of pain, of Joys and torment.'


cast:Gemila Durmis, Roxana Ene, Catherine Di Carlo Campaz, Erik Nikolic, Sebastian Spinella
text:Sebastiano Spinella, Catherine di Carlo Campaz
directors: collective direction
English translation:Sebastiano Spinella, Ágnes Jekl
by:Rampa Prenestina


Focus scene


‘This performance follows a more classical aesthetic line, but successfully incorporates elements of pantomime. While the production has some stronger scenes, it generally reflects that the ensemble is still searching for the theatrical language through which they can fully express themselves.’


‘In the narrated stories, the creators seek a delicate balance between adherence to tradition, respect for heritage, and the contextualization of these traditions within contemporary settings.’


Materials to read

excerpts from the play
In case you would like to request availability to the full play and/or the full video about the performance, write an email to info@romaheroes.org and describe the aim of your request!
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photo credits

All rights reserved

*left -> right*

1-2: ©Alina Vincze_Catherine di Carlo Campaz, Demila Durmis

3-4: ©Alina Vincze_Roxana Ene

5: ©Alina Vincze_Sebastiano Spinella

6: ©Alina Vincze_Erik Nikolic