| Treasurytschandala / tattaren – lindy larsson and the bonbon bandTSCHANDALA / TATTARENThe Swedish award-winning actor, singer and Roma activist artist Lindy Larsson, along with the multi-award-winning BonBon Band, explores an undisclosed part of Swedish history in their joint performance titled “Tschandala/Tattaren.” The production, which won the Swedish Critics’ Award, delves into various genres. The foundation of the show is …
Ireland, Shed a Tear?
| Treasuryireland, shed a tear? – Traveller Wagon Wheel Theater Companyireland shed a tear?The performance of the Traveller Wagon Wheel Company shows how the majority society, and the Irish state treats the travellers, through the story of an Irish fire in Ireland in 2015. At the same time, the play commemorates the ten victims of the tragedy in Carrickmines: five …
Roma from the Duvet
| TreasuryRoma from the Duvet – Actor Theater KošiceRoma from the DuvetRóm z perinky alebo Enter the MajorityThis play, based on the life of František Balog, founder of Actor Theatre in Košice, presents scenes from the morning routine of the children’s home where he grew up. Moreover, he tells us about his love life in the foster home and how …
I Can See You
| TreasuryI can see you – Rroma Aether Klub TheatreI Can See YouIch sehe dichThe story is about a small predator living underground in a home made by himself. His goal is to protect himself from the world, its supposed and real dangers, and as a solution, he isolates himself from the world and the safety home becomes the prison …
| TreasuryPerkucigo – Zsolt FeketePerkucigoPerkucigóThe partly autobiographical storytelling performance of Zsolt Fekete is unique, containing elements of stand-up, and represents the crisis of identity. He gets into surprising situations as an ethnic Hungarian from Romania with a hidden Gypsy origin. The performance is a dialogue between the creator and the audience about the destiny of the Gypsies, mainly about the …
Letter to Brad Pitt
| TreasuryLetter to Brad Pitt – Farkas FranciskaLetter to Brad PittLevél Brad PittnekIn the autobiographical reading performance of Franciska Farkas she confesses about her life with cruel sincerity and dark irony. She writes an imaginary letter to Brad Pitt, whom she met at a film shooting in Hungary. She shares many challenges she experienced in her family, school and later …
Gypsy Wheels
| TreasuryGypsy Wheels – Nataliya TsekovaGypsy WheelsCiganski KolelaA seemingly average teenage girl is being questioned by her mentor who wants to understand why she did what she did, why she is making the decision that she is making. The girl recalls memories and experiences but not all of them are her own. We get involved in the challenges of grandparents, …
With Profound Dignity
| TreasuryWith Profound Dignity – Sonia Carmona Tapiawith Profound DignityDe Profunda DignitatisIn her play Sonia Carmona Tapia commemorates two Spanish Roma women. One of them is Emilia Fernández Rodríguez, the first Roma woman who was beatified, in 2017. The other one is Gabriela Ortega Gómez, the first Roma performing artist with a university degree. The actress tells their stories in …
You Didn’t See Anything!
| TreasuryYou Didn’t See Anything! – Alex FIFEAYou Didn’t See Anything!Voi n-ați văzut nimic!On March the 4th, 2014, Daniel-Gabriel Dumitrache, a young Roma man, age 26, was beaten to death at the police station in downtown Bucharest. He was a young unemployed man who lived in poverty and discrimination, he was an illegal parking man so that he could support …
I Declare at My Own Risk
| TreasuryI Declare at My Own Risk – Alina ȘerbanI Declare at My Own RiskDeclar pe propia răspundereThe play lets us glimpse into the life of a young girl, who, just as her peers, is a fan of pop music, likes to hang out with her friends and dreams about her future. At the same time, she lives in one …
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