| Treasuryromnia – rampa prenestinaromniaromniaIn the performance titled “Romnia” by the Italian Rampa Prenestina Company, the societal roles of Roma and non-Roma women take center stage. At the heart of the story stands the statue of Saint Sarah, which the inhabitants of the small community depicted on stage are required to dress and prepare for a traditional procession. During the …
Children of the Wind
| TreasuryChildren of the Wind – Sebastiano SpinellaChildren of the Wind In the performance the circus artist, performer and teacher Sebastiano Spinella talks about his own life. His own identity is still uncertain as the presumably Roma origin of his grandmother was concealed by the family. At the age of 17, the protagonist, the black sheep of the family, ran …
Speak My Life!
| TreasurySpeak, My Life – Dijana PavlovićSPEAK, MY LIFEIn Speak, My Life by Dijana Pavlović unfolds the life story of Mariella Mehr, the Swiss Yenish writer, and the attempted genocide of the Yenish people in Switzerland in the 20th century. The play is based on the novel of Mariella Mehr The Stone Age and presents the life of a woman …