2021 Romania

To launch the first International Roma Theatre Festival “Kathe Akana”.

2017 Ireland

Rosaleen Mc Donagh playwright was elected to Aosdána, the Irish association of artists whose work has made an outstanding contribution to the creative arts in Ireland.

2014 Romania

The first Roma feminist theatre company Giuvlipen was founded…

2005 Ireland

Michael Collins first play: It’s a Cultural Thing. . . or is it? (A Traveller in Progress)

1993 Ireland

Abbey Theater – Honey Spike performance – It was the first time that a Traveller cast played at the National Theatre in Ireland, in a professional acting capacity.

1973 Romania

Rudy Moca Roma actor and director started his career in Puppet Theatre in Târgu Mureș. He is still active.

1937 Romania

At the “Omnia” Theatre and Cinema in Bucharest, premiered the play “Rivalii” (The Rivals), “a one-act play with a subject taken from the life on the front lines, which shows the patriotism and the spirit of humanity of the Roma soldier during the war.”﹡ The original play was written by a certain Mr. Gal (Dl. Gal), who was mentioned as …

1931 Russia

1931 The Romen Theater opens in Moscow, Russia.

1888 Russia

1888     the premiere of the very first Romani language operetta: Children of the Forests was staged in the Maly Theatre.