| STARSHENRIK NAGYHenrik nagyDirector, Actor, choreographerBorn: 1994, Budapest, HungaryPlace of living: Pécs, HungaryHeight: 180 cmSpoken languages: Hungarian, English Favorite dish:Roast a la Brasov Favorite color:Red Favorite artwork:Hieronymus Bosch: The Garden of Earthly Delights Gábor Dettre: Cloud Above the River Ganges, d. Gábor Dettre Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Love in the Time of Cholera Gecko Theatre: The Wedding Klezmatics: Come When I …
Mihai, Bianca
| STARSBIANCA MIHAIBianca mihaiartist, singer, tech consultantBorn: 2011, Buzău, RomaniaPlace of living: Bucharest, RomaniaHeight: 162 cmSpoken languages: Romanian, English, FrenchAWARDS20222nd Prize of “Trofeul Tineretii”National Music Festival 20213rd Prize of “George Grigoriu” International Pop Music Festival 20191st Prize of “Florentin Delmar”National Music Festival 2019Trophy of “Mihaela Runceanu” National Music FestivalINTERVIEW WITH Bianca mihai Favorite dish: French Fries Favorite color:Purple Favorite artwork:Gustav …
Nikolic, Erik
| STARSERIK NIKOLICERIK NIKOLICartist, roma activistBorn: 1998, Rome, ItalyPlace of living: Roma, HungaryHeight: 169 cmSpoken languages: Italian, Serbian, RomanianINTERVIEW WITH Erik nikolic Favorite dish:Carbonara Favorite color:Blue Favorite artwork:Vincent van Gogh: Starry Night Randall Wallace: Braveheart, d. Mel Gibson Kahlil Gibran: The Prophet Sebastiano Spinella’s works Michael Bublé, Frank Sinatra: Fly Me to the Moon Mission, favorite citation:My mission is to …
Reyes, Coco
| STARSCOCO REYEScoco reyesactress, director, artistBorn: Granada, SpainPlace of living: Granada, SpainHeight: 162 cmSpoken languages: Spanish, ItalianAWARDSWinner of the “8 de Abril” Award from the Institute of Gypsy Culture in the ‘New Creators’ category Favorite dish:My mother’s rice and bean stew Favorite color:Red Favorite artwork:Ray Heredia: Alegría de Vivir Role modelMy grandfathers Mission, favorite citation:Look at the birds of the …
Ghiță, Nicoleta
| STARSNICOLETA GHIȚĂNicoleta Ghițătheater and music artistBorn: 1999, Bucharest, RomaniaPlace of living: Bucharest, RomaniaHeight: 165 cmSpoken languages: RomanianINTERVIEW WITH nicoleta ghiță Favorite dish:Musaca Favorite color:Red Favorite artwork:Nick Vallelonga, Brian Hayes Currie, Peter Farrelly: Green Book, d. Peter Farrelly My performances Guess Who feat deMoga: Tot mai sus Role modelMihaela Drăgan Mission, favorite citation:Higher and higher Horoscope:Libra MAIN WORK2023Mihaela Drăgan: Viral …
Durmis, Gemila
| STARSGEMILA DURMISgemila durmisActressBorn: 1998, Fermo, ItalyPlace of living: Rome, ItalyHeight: 160 cmSpoken languages: Italian, Romaní, EnglishINTERVIEW WITH Gemila durmis Favorite dish:French fries and carrot soup Favorite color:Purple and green Favorite artwork:Wes Anderson’s, Pedro Almodóvar’s and Hayao Miyazaki’s films Carlo Collodi: The Adventures of Pinocchio, classical novels, José Saramago’s books I am exploring new things, theatre companies that deal with …
Sejdović, Ruždija Russo
| STARSRuždija Russo SejdovićRuždija Russo SejdovićWriter, School Mediator, TranslatorBorn: 1966, Liješta, Podgorica Montenegro Place of living: Cologne, Germany Spoken languages: Romany, German, SerbianAWARDS2022 „Rheintaler” Prize for Cultural Work by VLR Rheinland Cologne, Germany 2018 Honorary Award „Rheinischer Archivarius 2018”, Cologne, Germany Favorite dish:Nothing, I don’t eat 😉 Favorite color:White Favorite artwork:Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody Horoscope:Aries MAIN WORK2021 Ruždija Russo Sejdović: Papusha’s Tears* (Papuschas Tränen) …
Varga, Dávid
| STARSDÁVID VARGADÁVID VARGAActor, SingerBorn: 1998, Zrenjanin, Serbia Place of living: Budapest, Hungary Height: 186 cm Spoken languages: Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian AWARDS2021 Special Award at the Jazz Showcase MüPa, Budapest 2017 I. Place at the International Jazz Competition Favorite dish:Tom Yum Soup, Stuffed Cabbage, Chicken Breast with Dried Plums Favorite color:Deep Red, Shades of Brown Favorite artwork:the Harry Potter books …
Brand, Giovanni
| STARSGIOVANNI BRANDGIOVANNI BRANDPerformer, Writer, DirectorBorn: 1994, Lelystad, The Netherlands Place of living: Rotterdam, The Netherlands Height: 186 cm Spoken languages: Dutch, English, German (only perform, not to have conversations)AWARDSyear Nomination DNA Next Award Favorite dish:Paella Favorite color:Green Favorite artwork:Mario Puzzo, Francis Ford Coppola: The Godfather, r. Francis Ford Coppola Adam McKay, David Sirota: Don’t Look Up, r. Adam McKay …
Farkas, Ramóna
| STARSRAMÓNA FARKASRAMÓNA FARKASActressBorn: 1998, Nyíregyháza, Hungary Place of living: Budapest, Hungary Height: 155 cm Spoken languages: Hungarian Favorite color:All of them Horoscope:Libra Professional Studies2021-present TV Program Editor Kodolányi János University (Kodolányi János Egyetem) Budapest, Hungary 2021-present Acting Bánfalvy Studio (Bánfalvy Stúdió) Budapest, HungaryMAIN WORK2023Márton Illés, Rodrigó Balogh: Builders of a Country (Országépítők)*punk opera*- as actressD.: Márton Illés, Rodrigó BaloghIndependent …